Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pakistan has experienced the brain drain since Partition for reasons as varied as political instability to inadequate job opportunities. According to some statistics, up to two-third of Pakistanis want to migrate. But the trend may be shifting. Nowadays, many young Pakistanis are choosing to retutn to the Land of the Pure with the intention of carving a forgotten path in a country they left long ago. But are these students and recent graduates returning because of the post-9/11 global situation and heightened discrimntion faced by Pakistanis? Or is it because it’s relatively easier to make a breakthrough here? Can it be that Generation Y is more identity conscious and invested in the future of its country?


  1. No doubt in Pakistan there is too muuch talent in any field but due to lack of government support they cann,t utilize all potentials in related fields.

  2. yes! pakistan is full of talent but due 2 lack of resources paki nation should have 2 face some difficulties..............

  3. yeah!!!
    talent is all over the world
    just watch America's got talent or uk got talent .........
    but nice try boring topic
